Silky Hair and Furniture

I have a friend who works at as a hair stylist and she had this big crate full of hair products she didn’t need. I grabbed some bottles of shampoo and conditioner for straight hair and my hair feels sooo soft. It’s so silky and sexy I just can’t keep my fingers out of it! I am wearing my hair down tonight, and I hardly ever wear my hair down when I’m camming, just cause it gets in the way. But it feel so wonderful, I just can’t help it.


In other news, I am once again searching craigslist for some interesting bargain furniture to furnish my apartment.

It would be great if I could find an inexpensive victorian velvet couch(and don’t tell me they don’t exist because they do, I’ve seen it!) Mmmm….velvet. Yes, I have expensive tastes, but a frugal mind. Haha.